What IT and printing facilities can Short Course Students access in UAL Libraries?
Standard Short Course students (10 weeks or less) are issued with a unique ID (AE_1000000000) and instructions to set up a password that allows them to access UAL-Wifi and log into a UAL networked computer and printer (manually typing in their login). They have a papercut account. (They do not need to create a guest account).
Their login details are:
Username - Student ID number on their card (for example AE_10000000000)
They will be sent the following instructions to set their own password.
Step 1: your username is your UAL student ID number, for example: AE_1000003238
Step 2: to request a password follow this link and enter your UAL student ID
Step 3: after you have completed this, an email will be sent to your personal email address containing a single-use link to UAL Password Self Service (PSS). Select the single-use link and follow the instructions to create a password
UAL has the same wi-fi network across all buildings so this will automatically work when you visit all the colleges.
Fashion Folio students have a UAL account and are issued with a UAL login (and UAL email address). They can use this to access UAL wi-fi and computers. They can use their UAL cards to ‘tap’ onto printers and borrow laptops from lap safes. They have a papercut account. (They do not need to create a guest account).