
How do I find a specific e-journal?

Last Updated: Feb 02, 2022     Views: 279

To search for a specific e-journal title, go to the e-Journals Portal.

There is a link to this in the right-hand navigation panel on Library Search, labelled as 'Find e-Journals'.

The search box defaults to the option of 'Title begins with', so if you know the first word or words of the title, you can type them in and you will see a list of suggested titles that begin with those words.

If you know the exact title of the e-journal, then you can select 'Title equals' from the drop-down on the left:

Dropdown menu with 'title equals' highlighted

If you know some words in the e-journal title but are not sure of the exact title, then you can select the option: 'Title contains all words'.

Every e-journal has a unique identifier, known as an ISSN.  If you have seen this mentioned in a reference, then you can select 'ISSN/ISBN equals' in the drop-down.

Using the ISSN can be useful in finding a specific e-journal, if there is the possibility of several e-journals having the same or similar titles.

If you are not sure of the exact title, you may also browse the full list, using the 'Browse by Title' A-Z option, shown below the search box.

Additional options below this are:

  • 'Browse by Subject' - this shows the number of titles in each sub-category
  • 'Search Subject Databases by Keyword' - this takes you to the publisher or aggregator platforms for our main e-journals
  • 'Browzine' - this allows you to find a journal by title, subject or ISSN and then browse full-text content from individual issues.